Although you may change the font, size, and color, they will not be saved. Although you may change the font, size, and color, they will not be saved. Disconnect from the FirstClass server and quit the FirstClass application. Disconnect: Disconnect from the FirstClass server, but keep all windows open and do not quit the FirstClass application. Connect: Display the Login form again. The current item is not printable. Print the current item. Set up page for printing. Either you do not have a file selected, or the file is not downloadable. Generally, attachments are used for file transfer. See the Save Attachment item in the Message menu. Download (transfer) the selected file from FirstClass to your Macintosh. Normally, file transfer is done using attachments to messages, since you cannot upload directly to windows that you do not have write access to. See the Attach File entry in the Message menu. The Attach File command in the Edit window is the recommended method to transfer files. You do not have any items selected, or there is no additional information available for that item. Show additional information on the selected item. This command may be used to change the name, icon, and expiry date of any item. Delete is grayed out if there are no items selected or if you do not have the right to delete an item that is selected. Delete the selected item(s). The current window is not a message, or the message has not been entirely transmitted to your Macintosh. Save the current message on your Macintosh. The FirstClass desktop cannot be closed. Use the Quit command to close the desktop end exit FirstClass. Close the current window. If the current message is a file transfer window, the file transfer will be canceled. There are no messages that you can read. Open the next unread message in this mailbox or conference. The message will appear in the same window as the current message. Using the keyboard shortcut (Command-SpaceBar) provides a quick way to read messages. There are no items selected, so you cannot open anything. You may select items by clicking on them with the mouse. Open the selected item(s). You may select more than one item by holding down the Shift key as you select them, or by holding the mouse button down and enclosing the items with a box. You cannot create a new folder in this window. You may only create a new folder on your Desktop or in your mailbox. Create a new folder on your FirstClass Desktop or in your mailbox. The folder will initially have the name New Folder; you may change this by selecting it and using the Get Info command. You may drag any messages in your mailbox into the folder. If you hold down the Option while you select this, it will create a new text file. Create a new FirstClass message. The message will be created in your Mailbox, which is on your FirstClass desktop. If you are in a conference, the message will automatically be addressed to that conference. Commands in this menu let you create, delete, and print messages. You also use Quit command in this menu to exit from FirstClass. This does one of two things: If you have a name selected, it will display the résumé for that person. If the current window is your FirstClass desktop, it will allow you to edit your own resumé. Change your preferences. This will allow you to specify things like the default order that the messages are displayed in, etc. Change your logon password. You should do this regularly. Although you may change the font, size, and color, they will not be saved. Although you may change the font, size, and color, they will not be saved. Although you may change the font, size, and color, they will not be saved. Select All is grayed out if there is no text in the window, or the text is still being transferred for the FirstClass server. Select everything in the current window. Commands in this menu let you edit messages and change your preferences and password. Force the server to reset all modems not in use. Force the server to reset all modems not in use. This is useful if one of your modems is not responding. Logons are enabled; users can log on. To disable logons, choose this item. Logons are disabled; users trying to log on will be told that logons are disabled. To enable logons, choose this item. Select the users that you want logged off from the Who's Online window. Log one or more users off. To do this, choose List Users (in the Conference menu), select the users that you want logged off, and then choose this command. Force all users except yourself off the system. Restart the Macintosh that the server is running on. Note: This will only restart the server if you have put the server in the restart list. Disable logins, and shut down the server as soon as the last user has logged off. Note: There is no way to restart the server remotely if you do this. Shut down the server immediately. All users (including you) will be logged off immediately. Note: There is no way to restart the server remotely if you do this. Force the server to do a trash collection (audit). This will physically delete deleted files. Note: During the audit, network logons will be disabled and connected users might experience some performance degradation. This brings up a hierarchical menu that allows you to control the server remotely. Connect to the Demo Server (Used with FirstClass Demo Program only).